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IRIS Publications Guide: Add New Journal

IRIS, is SMU Integrated Research Information System. The Publications module in IRIS aims to have the information on the publications and research outputs of all faculty, staff and students.

Add New Journal

Authors are able to add a new journal title to IRIS if there is no record of the journal currently in IRIS. 

Mandatory Fields

The Name of the journal is the only mandatory field.

ISSN is important to uniquely identify the journal. Check WorldCat for the ISSN.

Adding a New Journal

Search first for the journal and click on the blue + to relate your publication to the existing journal. If your publication is published in a journal that is not in the current list of journals in IRIS, you must create a new journal.

When creating a journal related publication, click on + under Journal and type the words in the journal name then click Search.

If the journal you want does not show up, click on + to add the journal.

Enter the Journal Name in full (title case, no abbreviations and prefixes like "The") which is mandatory. Provide the ISSN where possible. E.g. Name: International Journal of Asian Management, ISSN: 1618-7512.

Click Done. The Library will validate the new journal submitted.




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