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Teaching & Learning Survival Tools: Online Exams

  Assignment Quiz Quiz with LD Browser Quiz with LD Browser + LD Monitor (Webcam)
Strictly timed assessment  
Originality check      
Uploading of answers    
Can hide assessment from students
Can set start, end and due date 
Can embed question paper
Secure exam environment    
Recommended for remote exam    
Remote exam with monitoring      
Guidance on setting up exam

Please refer to the User Guides section or you can join the series of Assignment and Quiz workshops that eLearn will be organizing regularly
eLearn onsite/remote support on exam day

Except for UG final exams (which eLearn will liaise with RO for exam support arrangement), please email to request for onsite/remote support at least 10 working days before the assessment date.

In general, if your exam requires your students to answer via laptop and required Internet connection, it will be considered as online exam.

Some examples include:

  • Exam using eLearn Quiz with LockDown Browser.
  • Exam using eLearn Quiz without LockDown Browser.
  • Exam using eLearn Assignment.
  • Exam which requires the students to connect to certain website.


Please refer to the comparison table listed in the Online Assessment Type page for a reference on which assessment type will be more suitable based on your requirements on the online exam.

To prevent the leakage of questions for your online exam/assessment, eLearn team will not be collecting or receiving any questions/question paper from you. As such, eLearn team will not be able to set up the online exam/assessment for you.

However, you are welcome to attend the Quiz and Assignment workshops conducted regularly by eLearn to learn/refresh on the setting up of online exam/assessment.

If further assistance is required, please make an appointment with eLearn ( or 6828 0306) and we will be able to guide you on the set up.

Yes, eLearn will be able to help in going through and advising (if needed) on the settings in your quiz or assignment.

Please do contact eLearn ( or 6828 0306) at least 1-2 working days before the actual assessment for us to go through the settings.

You can try out the LockDown Browser experience by taking the mock quiz set up in Instructor Orientation Course.

There is no word counter implemented in eLearn Quiz and there is no limit to the number of characters/words that the students can type in the textbox provided for this essay question.

If your online exam is conducted using eLearn Quiz and it contains text-based answers (e.g. essay question, fill-in-the-blank question, etc.), you can use the Exam Extraction tool to extract your students' answers out into a Word document (or multiple Word document) depending on the extraction settings.

You can refer to the user guide here for more information on the Exam Extraction tool.


  1. Navigate to your destination course.
  2. Go to "Quizzes".
  3. Select the quiz you want to replicate and click on the dropdown arrow beside the quiz and hit on "Copy".
  4. This will bring you to the copied quiz configuration page.
  5. Setup the quiz accordingly (e.g. rename the quiz, update the questions, set up the restrictions, etc.).
  6. Click the "Save/ Save and Close" button once you are done with the replicated quiz setup.
You can also refer to the guide here for more information on the replication of quiz within the same course.



  1. Navigate to your destination course.
  2. Go to "Course Admin".
  3. Select “Import/Export/Copy Component”.
  4. Check “Copy Components from another Org Unit” and click “Search for offering”.
  5. Search for the source course.
  6. Select the appropriate source course and click “Add Selected”.
  7. Confirm that the source course is correct and click on “Select Components”.
  8. In the loaded page, check "Quizzes" and select either "Copy all items" or "Select individual items to copy" depending on what you are copying over. Check "Included associated files" if necessary. Click “Continue” to proceed to next step.
  9. If you select to copy individual quiz, select the specific quiz to be copied over and click "Continue".
  10. Review the summary of this quiz copy action. Click “Finish” to initiate the copying process if you are fine with the setup.
  11. You should see a success message when the copying process is completed.


Beside the "Webcam Check" and "Facial Detection Check" options which are essential in LockDown Monitor setup, you can include or omit all other options depending on your needs in the exam.

  • Additional Instructions
    Additional instructions to be conveyed to the students. A default instruction content is provided. You are able to update the instructions to suit your needs.
  • Guidelines + Tips
    A number of guidelines and tips for the students when they are taking an exam with LockDown Monitor enabled.
  • Student Photo
    To take a snapshot of the student's face.
  • Show ID
    To take a snapshot of the student's ID (card). It can be a matriculation card, an employment pass or an identity card, etc.
  • Environment Check
    To scan the student's exam taking environment with his/her machine viewcam (e.g. you may want to ensure that there is no additional materials on the table, etc.)
  • Prevent students from starting the exam if face cannot be detected during Startup Sequence
    If this option is checked, your student will not be able to start the exam if he/she is not able to pass the facial detection check during the startup sequence.
  • Notify students during the exam if face cannot be detected (prompt for a fix)
    This option should be unchecked if you allow your students to refer to physical notes or write on paper (to prevent the notification alert from prompting as during such time, the students will not be facing their machines).


Technical support will be provided for the following online exam format:

  1. Online exam using eLearn Quiz with LockDown Browser (both eLearn and IT support will be provided)
  2. Online exam using eLearn Quiz without LockDown Browser or other assessment methods (only IT support will be provided)

For non-UG final exams, you can request for technical support via:
  1. Form submission Exam support request form.
  2. Email indicating the following information:
    • Course and section(s) involved in the exam.
    • Date of exam.
    • Start time of exam.
    • Duration of the exam.
    • Venue of the exam if the exam is conducted on campus.
We do seek your understanding to inform eLearn team of any exam support request at least 10 working days before the exam date.

For UG final exams, Registrar Office (RO) will be the one coordinating the requests and requirements between the instructors and eLearn.
Do inform RO of all the requirements in your final exams and RO will arrange with eLearn for all the necessary technical support.


eLearn will provide technical support for up to 3 online exams (using LockDown Browser) for you in each term (including the final exam).

As an example, within 1 term, you may request for eLearn support for

  1. 1 in-class quiz
  2. 1 midterm
  3. 1 final exam


From AY 2022-23 term 2 onwards, Teaching Assistants (TAs) will be trained (via TA training workshop) to assist instructors in all regular or ad-hoc in-class short (duration of 30 minutes or less) quizzes (so that instructors do not have to spend time coordinating support services).

With the training, TA will be able to

  • assist students with any Respondus LockDown Browser issues during the quiz,
  • ensure that all students can start and complete the quiz smoothly,
  • etc.

If you wish to run the quiz yourself, you can make use of Exam Buddy (refer to the guide here for more information) to view your students’ status/progress during the quiz. You are welcome to attend the quiz workshop (conducted for faculty by eLearn team) to learn more on the quiz setup and troubleshooting of Respondus LockDown Browser.

In general, if any of your students encounters technical issue (with Respondus LockDown Browser) during the quiz, you can advise the student to force restart his/her machine and re-login to continue taking the quiz.

In the event of any technical issues that require Help Center (WiFi/account issue) or eLearn (eLearn/Respondus LockDown issue) attention, please contact Help Center at 6828 0123 or eLearn at 6828 0306 (or if the quiz is conducted during office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 6 PM, excluding Public Holiday).

To get your students prepared for the LockDown Browser quiz, please refer to this link for a PDF file that contains instructions for downloading, installing and how to launch Lockdown Browser to take a quiz/exam.
You may want to send the file to your students.
Your students can also try out the mock quiz set up in the "Student Orientation Course" to verify their Lockdown Browser installation.  


This issue usually occurs for a copied Respondus LockDown quiz which you did not launch the Respondus LockDown admin dashboard to handle the LockDown Browser settings.

This LockDown Browser settings issue can be resolved by launching the "LockDown Browser" dashboard in the "Quizzes" page in eLearn.

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