Assignments tool in eLearn is a common place where students can submit their assignments digitally, eliminating the need to mail, fax or email assignments.
The submitted assignments are also checked for plagiarism, preventing students from misrepresenting other people’s works / ideas as their own.
How to:
Set up assignment to release feedback only
Set availability and due dates for an assignment
Integrate assignments and Turnitin
Detect possible AI writing in students' assignment submission
The Exam Buddy widget aims to make it easier for you to monitor the status and progress of any online quiz session of your class.
It allows you to monitor the status and progress of all the students in the class during the quiz session. You will be able to know which student has not started the quiz, which student is still doing the quiz and which student has completed and submitted the quiz all in one simple glance.
Additionally, Exam Buddy has been enhanced to include functionality for checking quiz settings. This feature enables you to review your quiz configuration and assess the readiness of the quiz.
Turnitin is a leading academic plagiarism detector, utilized by instructors and students to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity. It provides a seamless integration with eLearn Dropbox.
How to:
Enable Turnitin for an assignment
Create, edit or assess Turnitin-enabled assignments
Peer evaluation tool provides rich evaluation types for instructors to assess TA Performance or individual members’ contribution in group assignments. This tool removes the pains of conducting manual and paper-based peer reviews. It helps instructors to save time and efforts in conducting peer assessments.
Quizzes tool in eLearn allows instructors to create quizzes from a wide variety of question types, ranging from a simple true or false quiz to a math quiz with complex calculation formulas.
It encourages student participation and course preparation, and helps prevent cheating using certain quiz settings.
The New Quiz Creation Experience
Quizzes Hot Tips and Workarounds
How to:
Create Question Library questions?
Create a randomized set of quiz questions?
Manage quizzes with students' attempts?
Allow students to view previous quiz score?
Copy questions from quiz to question library?
Copy quiz from one course to another course?
Enable quiz with Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor?
Export quiz questions into QTI-XML format?
Set up special access in quiz?
Set up written response question in quiz?
Grades tool in eLearn allows instructors to set up gradebook with control on the grading formula used or define the weightage of the assessment components.
How to:
Create and delete grade categories and items?
Delete grade items or categories?
Automatic transfer overall score to a learner's grade?
Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down online quiz environment within eLearn. It's a way to prevent digital cheating during online tests. It enhances the proctoring system and minimizes the submission failure rate of online quizzes. This tool provides compatibility with Windows and Mac machines.
There is an option of enabling Respodus LockDown Monitor for the conduct of remote exams. Respondus Monitor is a fully-automated proctoring solution. Students use a webcam to record themselves during an online exam. Afterward, flagged events and proctoring results are available to the instructor for further review.
About Respondus Lockdown Browser
Respondus Monitor: One technology, lots of flexibility
Respondus Monitor: Watch Overview Video
Exam Extraction tool allows instructors to extract quiz answers from students. The questions can be extracted include Long Answer, Short Answer, Multi-short Answer, and Fill in the Blank.
Results Processing tool provides instructors a mean to effectively manage students’ grade distributions, view grade reports and timely release of students’ results. In addition, students can easily view their results and class statistics from their mobile devices.
Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly in eLearn.
The Respondous Test Bank Network contains thousands of test banks for the leading textbooks in higher education.
User Guide (Full Version)
Standard Format for Importing Questions Sample Questions Format
How to:
Import questions with Respondus
Import questions with Respondus
Import images with questions with Respondus
Create and format questions with Respondus
Rubrics tool in eLearn can be used as part of a Competency structure to determine if Learning Objectives are achieved, or used to evaluate an activity, an assessment or a grade item based on a predefined set of criteria. It provides instructor and student a more structured way to assess performance.
How to:
Create a rubric using the Rubrics tool?
Competency tool in eLearn can be used to track students’ progress towards achieving the course goals. It helps Instructor to measure attainment of learning objectives through quizzes, assignments, discussions, and grades.
Creating and editing competencies, learning objectives, and activities
Understanding competency status settings
How to:
Modify an approved competency?
The eLearn Quiz / Online Exam Settings Checker allows you to carry out a sanity check on any Lockdown Browser enabled quiz that you have set up in eLearn.
It will provide you with a quiz readiness report and some of the recommended settings to be applied to the quiz.
You can access this feature through the enhanced Exam Buddy widget. For guidance on using the quiz checker function, please refer to the "Quiz Checker" section in the following guide.
The Peer and Self Feedback System (PSFS) is a student-centered and user-friendly system that facilitates the collation of peer feedback for courses with group projects.
It enables peers to provide constructive and timely feedback on the GLOs of Collaboration and Leadership. This system is easy to navigate and use for students and instructors, and will provide valuable insights into learners' development over time at the University level
You can contact PVO Education Team – May Tan( to find out more if interested.
For guidance on using the PSFS, please refer to the to the following guide.
Peer Tutoring System (PTS) is a platform that facilitates peer learning by matching tutors and tutees for peer tutoring program.
You can encourage your students to sign up Peer Tutoring Programme to enhance their learning. You may also nominate suitable tutors through "Submit Grade" tab under Results Processing Tool(RPT).
The class management tool (CMT) is designed to simplify the administrative aspect of teaching in a classroom. It helps the instructor to recognize students easily by presenting their photographs with full name and other identification information.
The CMT can also be used to mark attendance. To optimise classroom time, instructors are given the option to allow the student to mark their own attendance or delegate this task to their TA. The attendance records will be compiled to give a summary of classroom attendance throughout the semester.
In addition, scores and remarks to register students' class participation can now be input into any attendance session.
Announcement tool in eLearn serves as a bulletin board that allows instructors to post important notices, reminders, etc. to students.
How to:
Create or make a regular Announcements item
Delete or restore an Announcements item
Edit an Announcements item
Reorder an Announcements item
Restore a deleted Announcements item
Groups tool in eLearn provides a collaborative space for the group members to share files in a Group Locker and have Group Discussion.
What happens when you move users to a new group?
What happens when you delete a group or group category?
How to:
Set up self-enrollment in groups?
Seating Chart offers instructors drag-and-drop interface to manage seating plan for lecture or exam purposes. Instructors can create, edit, and delete seating chart for their sections.
How to:
Create and manage seating chart?
Classlist tool in eLearn is used to view class enrolment in a course, to check who is online, and to send email. It provides instructors with an overall view of students’ profile as well as their progress.
How to:
Find Free Time Slots tool allows instructors / students to identify common time slots to meet based on their class and exam schedules. It improves the efficiency of arranging one-on-one consulting, as well as group discussion, project meeting, assignment review, etc.
Our vendor Desire2learn follows web accessibility standards closely and works with interested clients to test the usability of the products for people with disabilities. Many features in eLearn can be adjusted to improve access for individuals with disabilities.
About Web Accessibility at D2L
Understanding site organization using assistive technology
Reach every learner with Brightspace accessibility features
Using assistive technology to navigate page elements
Set up and use Anthology Ally (previously Blackboard Ally) to improve accessibility of courses
Instructor can now enroll his/her TA into his/her course at term start on his/her own using the TA Enrollment widget.
Instructor can also re-enroll his/her TA into the course (with the appropriate role if necessary) when all the TAs’ role has been reduced to the most basic role during the UG final exams period.
Content allows instructors to organize course materials delivery in a meaningful way.
Instructors can make use of the Release Conditions in the Restriction Tab to design learning path for students and achieve personalized learning.
About course content organization
What kinds of files can I use for course content?
How to:
Use HTML templates in Content?
Improve navigation in multi-page content topics?
Add existing activities with Google Drive?
Learning Object Repository (LOR) is a centralized storage that faculty or administrative offices publish and share learning objects for campus-wide viewing, such as SMU Grading Scheme, Guidelines, Course Materials for multiple sections or research documents, etc.
About Brightspace Learning Object Repository
How to:
Publish (add) objects to eLearn Learning Repository?
Browse eLearn Learning Repository?
Manage learning objects and collections?
RSS feeds in eLearn Learning Repository?
Various leading publisher platforms have been integrated in eLearn, such as McGraw Hill Connect, Cengage MindTap, etc. The textbooks, eBooks and courseware provided by the publishers can be accessed via eLearn once the instructors have subscribed to the publishers' contents. This helps to remove the hassle of carrying heavy textbooks, to quicken search for information, and to enable collaboration among peers.
Bongo learn
Kaltura - My Media is a platform that you can share the lesson video or presentations with your students.
You can create screencast videos and interactive video quizzes and it will list all the media available to you and you can record/upload new media from here.
Kaltura - My Media can be accessed via eLearn.
Quick Start Guide
Alternatively, you may access Kaltura - My Media by visiting
Visit this link for tips on using Kaltura Mediacast.
How to:
Share/email link to external students
Annoto is an in-video collaboration and engagement solution that turns your video content consumption from passive individual watching to active, social, and collaborative experience. Annoto integrates with Kaltura as a plugin on top of the existing video player. It provides innovative UX for threaded discussions and call to action interactions during the video, increasing user engagement and collaboration.
How to:
Enable/disable Annoto in Kaltura
Add video comment/personal note
General Introduction Annoto Video
Annoto Widget Walkthrough
Annoto FAQ
Annoto User Guide (Full Version, PDF)
Annoto User Guide (Full Version, Web)
Links tool in eLearn is used to create and manage any shortcut hyperlinks so that users can quickly navigate to the desired sites. Also, copyrighted materials that are not replicable can be accessed conveniently from eLearn by linking to their sources.
How to:
Create and delete a link or link category?
Discussions tool in eLearn is a course related collaboration area where you can post, read and reply to messages on different topics, share thoughts about course materials, ask questions, share files, or conduct group discussions for assignments/projects.
How to:
Manage discussion forums and topics?
Edit a discussion topic in the Classic Content Experience?
Delete discussion forums, topics, threads, or posts in the Discussions tool?
Create a graded discussion topic with a linked grade item?
Create a graded discussion topic with an associated rubric?
Lock a discussion forum or topic?
Hide a discussion forum or topic?
Set up a quicklink to a discussion topic or forum in Content?
Padlet is a web-based app that enables users to create an online bulletin board to display information on any topic. It is designed to allow students and faculty to collaborate, reflect, share links and pictures, in a secure location.
Gamelead is a gamification app, built on the Gametize platform.
Students take part in quests, which involve a series of simple challenges, such as photos, quizzes, and videos. These activities prompt students to reflect on and apply what they have learnt in class.
Zoom is another cloud-based video/web conferencing solution you can use to virtually meet with your students. It is used for teaching or external meetings/events that require unique features such as virtual background, the view of many participants' videos, breakout rooms, polling and etc.
How to:
Zoom: Testing Your Microphone or Speakers Settings Before an Actual Zoom meeting
Zoom: Comparison between Meeting and webinar
Zoom: Host and Co-host Controls in Zoom Meeting
Zoom: Scheduling and Starting Online Lessons in Zoom (.pdf)
Zoom: Setting Your Virtual Background
Zoom: Sharing Multiple Screens Simultaneously
Zoom: Pre-assigning Students to Breakout Rooms
MediaWiki can be used for exchange of ideas, knowledge distribution and knowledge creation. Students can contribute on the content together. It empowers them with content awareness, ownership and sense of achievement.
Note: Users will need to know or learn mark-up language to format the content in a wiki.
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service offered by Google for users to collaborate and to do file sharing. It eases sharing among the users.
Journal is a convenient and effective tool for instructors to collect records of class or meeting events from students or participants. Some of the example could be periodical records of students’ progress in the class, meeting / discussion minutes, students’ reflection on a course taught, etc.
Google Calendar is a free time management web application provided by Google. Users can use it to plan and share their events/activities.
Surveys tool is an excellent way to solicit feedback from students regarding any aspect of a course, such as course evaluations, mid-term reviews, user satisfaction, etc.
How to:
Set a date range for a survey?
Create special access to a survey?
Control survey responses in a survey?
Notify participants of an available survey?
Track survey progress and results?
Anonymous participation in a survey?
This web-based application allows instructors to:
ePortfolio in eLearn is a powerful user-centric application for storing, organizing, reflecting on and sharing items that represent the individual learner. Students can use ePortfolio to incorporate documents, graphics, audio files, presentations and more that reflect their personal learning journey, and easily share them with advisors, employers or peers.
Wooclap is a Classroom Response System (CRS) that can be used to have students actively participate in lectures. It allows students to give opinions and respond to questions (in the form of multiple choice, open ended, or scales) that the instructor can prepare in advance. This tools actively engages students and allows instructors to check on how students about a subject.
Access the Content page of your specific course.
AI writing indicator has been added to Turnitin Similarity Report which will show an overall percentage of the student's submitted assignment that may have been AI-generated.
Start and End Date determine the availability of an assignment wherein a student can start or submit their paper.
"Due Date" is like a soft deadline for students and if they exceeded the "Due Date", they are still able to submit their works but their submissions will be marked as late. "Due Date" should always be set in between the "Start Date" and "End Date".
Visibility status or the strikeout eye icon in eLearn Assignments signify that students will not be able to see the assignment, i.e. the assignment is not visible and is hidden from the students.
Visibility status or the strikeout eye icon in eLearn Quizzes signify that students will not be able to see the quiz, i.e. the quiz is not visible and is hidden from the students.
"Special Access" can be used to grant "special condition(s)" to individual student who is taking the same quiz as the rest of the class. Example, to grant extra timing to the student's quiz duration, to allow the student to take the quiz at a different date/time as the rest of the class, etc.
There is currently no good way to extract the quiz questions into a Word document.
However, you may follow the guide here to copy the questions in your quiz into a Word document.
An eLearn Chrome extension has been set up to assist instructors in the quiz settings check.
To access this Chrome extension feature, please follow the guide here to install the extension (do take note of the restriction in the installation and access of this Chrome extension).
With the Chrome extension installed in your browser, you can validate the settings in the quiz you have set up by
Quiz with no issue detected in the settings | Quiz with issue detected in the settings |
Readiness score of quiz with no detected settings issue | Readiness score of quiz with detected settings issue |
eLearn team has created the Exam Buddy widget which aims to make it easier for you to monitor the status and progress of any online eLearn quiz session being taken by your students in your class.
You will be able to know which student has not started the quiz, which student is still doing the quiz and which student has completed and submitted the quiz all in one simple glance.
To access Exam Buddy,
A new feature has been included in the exam extraction tool to detect the possibility of AI writing in the students’ submitted text answers in eLearn quiz.
This detection allows you to sieve out the submitted text content that may have a high chance of being generated by AI, such as ChatGPT.
Refer to this guide for the AI writing detection option in exam extraction.
You can reinstate the role of your TA with the TA Enrollment widget.
Course Materials (View Only) | Course Materials (Upload / Edit / Create / Delete) |
Discussions (Create / View) |
Assignments (Edit / Create / View / Delete) |
Quizzes (Edit / Create / View / Delete) |
Email Students | View Class Management | |
TA (Basic) | |||||||
TA (Content) | |||||||
TA (Quiz) | |||||||
TA (Assignment) | |||||||
TA (Content_Quiz) | |||||||
TA (Content_Assignment) | |||||||
TA (CDQ) |
There are some restrictions to your TA's access in the course regardless of the access level he/she is holding.
Yes, all TAs and students should have a Zoom account.
No, you will need to set up the Zoom session using your subscribed Zoom account.
Your TA can help you with following tasks:
You can download your data by following the instructions in this link
Each Staff/Faculty will be allocated 10GB of storage space on the corporate Google Drive. If you go over your storage limit, you won't lose anything. However, you won’t be able to store new files in Google Drive or store new photos or videos in Google Photos.