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Teaching & Learning Survival Tools: Home

Current Poll

What learning support measures you hope to see in 2024?
AI Tutor in your course: 39 votes (51.32%)
Non-gradable practice materials: 22 votes (28.95%)
Peer Tutor for difficult topics/concepts/skills: 14 votes (18.42%)
Regular constructive feedback from instructor: 0 votes (0%)
Guidance in AI tools usage: 1 votes (1.32%)
Reference to past assessments: 0 votes (0%)
Clearly defined learning objectives in my weekly lessons: 0 votes (0%)
Clearly defined rubrics in my course assessments: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 76

Integrated Solutions in eLearn Platform



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Top 3 Questions and Answers

Here is a Quick Guide. on how to configure your quizzes/exam to show score/result and feedback to your students.

There are some restrictions to your TA's access in the course regardless of the access level he/she is holding.

  1. Your TA will not be able to access the course's Zoom configuration. Thus, you have to configure it for the course.
  2. Your TA will not be able to configure Turnitin for the assignment dropbox.
    Note: TA(Assignment/Dropbox) access level will be able to create/modify assignments but will not be able to configure Turnitin.
  3. Your TA will not have access to the course's gradebook.


For more information, you can check out the FAQs section in this link.
You may also refer to this guide for more details.

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eLearn Support


We are located at SMU Li Ka Shing Library Level 5

Support Team

Aaron Pon

Laurence Lee


Cathryn Khong

Lim Tee Seng

Fan Tang Meng

Reynen Ramos

Taufik Ahmad

Austin Chua

May Lit


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