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IRIS Faculty CV Guide: Theses and Dissertations

For help with using the IRIS Faculty CV module

Theses and Dissertations Supervised

Singapore Management University

[Role position], [Title of Student’s Work], [Learning Type] by [Name of Student], [Name of Programme], Singapore Management University, [Year Started/Year Completed]

*i.e. Supervisor, "Interactive effect of types of apology and social dominance on reconciliation", by Student Name. Master of Tri-Sector Collaboration, Singapore Management University, 2012

What is the above section about

This section consists of all the Thesis or Dissertation that the faculty has supervised while he is at SMU.

These records are interfaced into IRIS from the Integrated Student Information System (ISIS). Faculty would be required to update the missing fields and update the record status to "Active" before the record renders in the CV.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Position/Role of the work
  2. The title of the student work.
  3. Learning type thesis, senior thesis or dissertation
  4. Name of the student
  5. Degree Description follow by hard coded ", Singapore Management University"
  6. The start date or end date of the work (whichever is later) - render as YYYY.

Rendering of records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Other Institutions

 [Thesis position] [Title of Student’s Work] [Learning Type] by [Name of Student], [Name of Programme], [Institution], [Year Started/Year Completed]

*i.e. Supervisor, "Effect of gratitude on prosocial behaviors in work group", by Student Name. Master of Arts, Nanyang Technology University, 2012

What is the above section about

This section consists of all the Thesis or Dissertation that the faculty has supervised prior to joining SMU.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Position/Role of the work
  2. The title of the student work.
  3. Learning type thesis, senior thesis or dissertation
  4. Name of the student
  5. Degree Description
  6. Name of the instituition
  7. The start date or end date of the work (whichever is later) - render as YYYY.

Rendering of records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Theses and Dissertations Assessed

Singapore Management University

[Role position], [Title of Student’s Work], [Learning Type] by [Name of Student], [Name of Programme], [Year Started/Year Completed]

*i.e. Examiner, "Interactive effect of types of apology and social dominance on reconciliation", by Student Name. Master of Tri-Sector Collaboration, Singapore Management University, 2012

What is the above section about

This section consists of all the Thesis or Dissertation that the faculty was involved while he is at SMU.

These records are interfaced into IRIS from the Integrated Student Information System (ISIS). Faculty would be required to update the missing fields and update the record status to "Active" before the record renders in the CV.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Position/Role of the work
  2. The title of the student work.
  3. Learning type thesis, senior thesis or dissertation
  4. Name of the student
  5. Degree Description follow by hard coded ", Singapore Management University"
  6. The start date or end date of the work (whichever is later) - render as YYYY.

Rendering of records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Other Institutions

 [Thesis position] [Title of Student’s Work] [Learning Type] by [Name of Student], [Name of Programme], [Institution], [Year Started/Year Completed]

*i.e. Examiner, "Effect of gratitude on prosocial behaviors in work group", by Student Name. Master of Arts, Nanyang Technology University, 2012

What is the above section about

This section consists of all the Thesis or Dissertation that the faculty was involved prior to joining SMU.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Position/Role of the work
  2. The title of the student work.
  3. Learning type thesis, senior thesis or dissertation
  4. Name of the student
  5. Degree Description
  6. Name of the institution
  7. The start date or end date of the work (whichever is later) - render as YYYY.

Rendering of records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

How to update
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