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IRIS Faculty CV Guide: Personal Information

For help with using the IRIS Faculty CV module


[Preferred Name]
[Date last updated]

What is the above section about

This section is the common header of the CV which appears on all pages

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Faculty's Preferred Name or [First Name] [Last Name].
  2. CV Last Update Date

The above fields marked yellow are interfaced from the HR system.

For any changes to the HR interfaced field, kindly contact

How to update

What is the above section about

This section consists of person information about a person.

  1. Faculty's Preferred Name or [First Name] [Last Name].
  2. Faculty Photograph
  3. School which Faculty belongs to.
  4. Address of the School
  5. Faculty's SMU email address
  6. Faculty's SMU direct number

The above fields marked yellow are interfaced from the HR system.

For any changes to the HR interfaced field, kindly contact

How to update

Summary Statement

[Summary Statement]

*i.e Steven Miller was the Founding Dean of the SMU School of Information Systems, a position he held from December 2002 through June 2016 (13 years, 7 months). He started his professional career as a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University, appointed in both the College of Engineering and the Business School.  Prior to joining SMU, he held senior positions in technology, management and consulting with Fujitsu Ltd in both Japan and the US; RWD Technologies in the US; and IBM Global Services where he was Chief Architect Executive for Business Innovation Services, Asia Pacific.

What is the above section about

This section consists summary statement of the faculty. The maximum character display for this section is 5000 characters.

This is taken from the summary statement field configured under the personal detail settings

How to update


[Degree], [Institution], [Location], [Year Completed]


*i.e Masters of Science, Singapore Management University, Singapore, 2009

Master of Science in Management, Top 10 in cohort 


What is the above section about

The above section consists of the Education History of the faculty.

The fields for this section are

  1. Degree - The type of Degree Specialty
  2. Institution - The institution which awarded the degree
  3. Location - The country which the institution is based
  4. Year of Completed

For bachelor and above qualification, the information is interfaced from the HR system and is based on the number of certifications that the faculty has provided to the HR officer.

For other qualifications such as diploma or advance diploma, the faculty could update the entries individually in the system. 

For any clarification on the above records, faculty is to email

How to update

Skill Set

[Skill Set]

*i.e Project Management, Risk Management, Excel Macro

What is the above section about

This section consists skill set which faculty possess. This is taken from the Skill Set field configured under the personal detail settings

How to update

Academic Appointments

[JobTitle], [School], [Start Date MMM YYYY] – [End Date MMM YYYY]

*i.e Associate Professor of Law, School of Law, SMU, Jan 2007 - Present *smu appointment

*i.e Lecturer, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Jan 1984 - Jan 1989 *work experience

What is the above section about

This section consists of all the academic appointments of the Faculty.

The section consists of two record natures 1) SMU appointments, 2) Non-SMU appointments

All SMU appointments will be interfaced from the HR system.

All Non-SMU appointment will be retrieved from IRIS CV Module "Work Experience" Section (find out more from how to update).

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Appointment Title
  2. The School/University which the appointment is/was held.
  3. The start date of the service - render as MMM YYYY.
  4. The end date (if applicable) of the service - render as MMM YYYY.

A label "Present" will appear if the end date field is empty.

Rendering of records will be grouped by current appointment/s followed by past appointments.

Records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

For any query regarding to SMU appointments, please email IRIS_Help

How to update

Academic Administrative Appointments

[jobTitle], [School/Organisation], [Start Date MMM YYYY] – [End Date MMM YYYY]

*i.e Director, LLM Programme, School of Law, SMU, Apr 2010 - Jul 2013 *smu appointment

*i.e Head, Division of Business Law, School of Accountancy & Business, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Jan 1993 - Jan 1998 *work experience

What is the above section about

This section consists of all the administrative appointments of the Faculty.

The section consists of two record natures 1) SMU appointments, 2) Non-SMU appointments

All SMU appointments will be interfaced from the HR system.

All Non-SMU appointment will be retrieved from IRIS CV Module "Work Experience" Section (find out more from how to update).

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Appointment Title
  2. The Organisation/Department/School which the appointment is/was held.
  3. The start date of the service - render as MMM YYYY.
  4. The end date (if applicable) of the service - render as MMM YYYY.

A label "Present" will appear if the end date field is empty.

Rendering of records will be grouped by current appointment/s followed by past appointments.

Records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

For any query regarding to SMU appointments, please email IRIS_Help

How to update

Other Positions Held

[Department], [School/Organisation], [Start Date MMM YYYY] – [End Date MMM YYYY]

*i.e Marketing, HTC, Taipei, May 2010 - Jun 2011

What is the above section about

This section consists of all the non academic and administrative appointments of the Faculty. This could be appointments belonging to private, military and public sectors

All appointment records will be retrieved from IRIS CV Module "Work Experience" Section (find out more from how to update).

The section consist of the following fields

  1. The Department which the appointment is/was held.
  2. The Organisation which the appointment is/was held.
  3. The start date of the service - render as MMM YYYY.
  4. The end date (if applicable) of the service - render as MMM YYYY.

A label "Present" will appear if the end date field is empty.

Rendering of records will be grouped by current appointment/s followed by past appointments.

Records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Professional Certifications

[Title of Certification], [Organization], [Location], [Date Attained (MMM YYYY)] – [Expiry Date (MMM YYYY)]

*i.e PMP, PMI, Singapore, Jan 2015

What is the above section about

This section consists the certification obtained by the faculty.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Title of the Certification
  2. The Organization that offers the certification.
  3. The Location of the Organisation.
  4. The start date of the service - render as MMM YYYY.
  5. The expiry date (if applicable) of the certification - render as MMM YYYY.

Rendering of records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Awards and Honors

[Award or Honor Title], [Organization], [dateOfAward (YYYY)]

*i.e Most Outstanding Adjunct Lecturer, Singapore Management University, 2013

What is the above section about

This section consists of all awards awarded to the faculty or work recognition for the faculty.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Title of the Awards and Honors
  2. The Organisation that awarded or gave the recognition
  3. The date  - render as YYYY.

Records will be ordered by date in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Professional Memberships

[Title of Membership], [Organization], [Start Date (YYYY)] – [End Date (YYYY)]

*i.e Member, ISCA, Jan 2016

What is the above section about

This section helps showcase faculty membership with a professional body.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Title of membership
  2. The Organization or professional body that endorse the membership
  3. The start date of the service - render as YYYY.
  4. The end date (if applicable) of the service - render as YYYY.

Rendering of records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Artistic and Professional Performance

[Work/Exhibit Title], [Name of Group], [Name of Organizer], [Venue], [Location], [Start Date (DD MMM YYYY) – End Date (DD MMM YYYY)]

*i.e Arts and Culture Matters Series, The Substation, School of Social Sciences (SMU), Esplande, Singapore, 01 Nov 2016 - 02 Nov 2016

What is the above section about

This section consists the artistic and professional performance given by a faculty. This records most likely would be relevant to SOSS faculty.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Title of the performance
  2. The Name of the Group (if applicable) that faculty was involved.
  3. The Organiser that organise the performance.
  4. The venue of the performance i.e Esplanade.
  5. The location of the performance i.e Singapore
  6. The start date of the performance - render as DD MMM YYYY.
  7. The end date of the performance (if applicable - render as DD MMM YYYY.
Rendering of records will be ordered by Start Date in reverse chronological order.
How to update
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