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Master of Science in Communication Management: Organizational and brand storytelling studio

A joint programme by SMU, Singapore & USI, Lugano, Switzerland. This is the programme portal for the Academic Year 2012-2013. It points to useful electronic and print resources for the courses.

Course Description

Using the methods of studio pedagogy familiar to artists and designers, this course will give students a direct experience of the art of storytelling which will then be adapted to the business context through application to organizational identity and corporate branding practices. The course will expose students to storytelling processes and practices as well as demonstrating their power to express values and strategy. Students will learn what it takes to craft authentic, engaging stories that inspire by being responsive to their audiences/stakeholders. The course will focus on “listening” as much as it does on the “telling” of stories, and on developing the gifts of empathy associated with great storytellers.


Recommended resources

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