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IRIS Faculty CV Guide: Research

For help with using the IRIS Faculty CV module

Research Interests


*i.e. Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Operating Systems, Distributed Computing, Software Engineering, Usability of Software Systems,Usability Testing, Networking

What is the above section about

This section consists faculty's research areas. This is taken from the "Research Areas" field configured under the personal detail settings

How to update

Research and Project Areas


*i.e. Cyber security: Mobile Platform & Application Security

What is the above section about

This section consists faculty's research interest. This is taken from the "Research Interest" field configured under the personal detail settings

How to update


Journal Articles [Refereed]

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Journal Name], [Volume number], [Start page]-[End page]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Journal Articles [Non-Refereed]

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Journal Name], [Volume number], [Start page]-[End page]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])


[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Journal Name], [Volume number], [Start page]-[End page]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Case Note/Digest

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Journal Name], [Volume number], [Start page]-[End page]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Books (Refereed)

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Series], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Books (Non-Refereed)

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Series], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Book Chapters

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Series], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Encyclopaedia Entry

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Series], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])


[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Series], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Edited Book

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Series], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Book Review

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Series], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Conference Proceedings

[Title], by [Author List], ([Published Date]). [Conference Tittle], [Place]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Conference Paper

[Title], by [Author List], ([Published Date]). [Conference Tittle], [Place]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Edited Conference Proceedings

[Title], by [Author List], ([Published Date]). [Conference Tittle], [Place]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Magazine Article

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Journal Name], [Volume number], [Start page]-[End page]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Newspaper Article

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Journal Name], [Volume number], [Start page]-[End page]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

What is the above section about

This section consists of all the records interfaced from IRIS publication module.

The records will be retrieved based on [publication status = Published Advance Online | Presented AND record status = Validated] OR [publication status = Forthcoming | Accepted].

The records will be ordered by Publication Year OR Publication Date in reverse chronological order.

Click here for more information on publication status.

Click here for more information on publication type

For more information on the editorial process and guidelines, please refer to the underneath link.

How to update

Working Paper

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

What is the above section about

This section consists of the publication pub type "Working Paper" records interfaced from IRIS publication module.

The records will be retrieved based on [publication status = Published Advance Online | Presented AND record status = Validated] OR [publication status = Forthcoming | Accepted].

The records will be ordered by Publication Year OR Publication Date in reverse chronological order.

Click here for more information on publication status.

Click here for more information on publication type

For more information on the editorial process and guidelines, please refer to the underneath link.

How to update

Theses and Dissertations

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

What is the above section about

This section consists of the publication pub type "Thesis" records interfaced from IRIS publication module.

The records will render in blocks of PhD thesis, followed by Masters thesis.

The records will be ordered by Publication Year in reverse chronological order.

Click here for more information on publication status.

Click here for more information on publication type

For more information on the editorial process and guidelines, please refer to the underneath link.

How to update

Other Outputs and Contributions


[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])


[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Blog Post

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Audio / Video Materials

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])


[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

Data Set

[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])


[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year], [Place], [Publisher]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])


[Title], by [Author List], [Published Year]. [Book Title], pp.[Start page]-[End page]. [Alternate URL] ([Publishing Status])

What is the above section about

This section consists of the publication non generic pub type records interfaced from IRIS publication module.

The records will be retrieved based on [publication status = Published Advance Online | Presented AND record status = Validated] OR [publication status = Forthcoming | Accepted].

The records will be ordered by Publication Year in reverse chronological order.

Click here for more information on publication status.

Click here for more information on publication type

For more information on the editorial process and guidelines, please refer to the underneath link.

How to update

Research Grants

Singapore Management University

[Project Title], [Name of Research Funding Initiative], [Name of Funding Agency], [Role and List of Person], [Year of Award], [Currency] [Total Awarded Grant Amount]

*i.e. Citi-SMU Financial Literacy Program, Citi Foundation, PI (Project Level): Faculty 1. Faculty 2, 2016, $000,000

*i.e. Economic Security and the ageing demographic - Centre for research on the economics of ageing, Acadmic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 3, Ministry of Education (MOE), 2009, PI (Project Level): Faculty 1, Co-PI (Project Level): Faculty 2 Citi Foundation, PI (Project Level): Faculty 1. Faculty 2, $000,000

Other Institutions

[Project Title], [Name of Research Funding Initiative], [Name of Funding Agency], [Year of Award], [Role and List of Person], [Total Awarded Grant Amount]

*i.e Does Structurally-Restrictive Decision Aid Improve learning?, The University of Melbourne Faculty Research Grant 2009, Funding Agency, PI(Project Level): Faculty 1, 2017, $000,000


What is the above section about

The above section consists of the Research Grants of the faculty. The grants for this section can be broken into two types - SMU Grants, Non SMU Grants.

For SMU Grants, the grants information can be broken into external grants and internal SMU grants. These information is managed by ORTT and interfaced on a quarterly basis.

For any clarification on the above record type, faculty is to email

For Non SMU or Other Grants awarded prior to SMU while faculty is at other institutions or organization, faculty can fill up the information in IRIS.

The fields for this section are

  1. Project Title
  2. Name of Research initiative
  3. Name of Funding Agency
  4. Year of Award
  5. Role of List of Person
  6. Total Awarded Grant Amount
  7. Name of Institution

Rendering of records will be ordered by Year of Award in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Intellectual Property

 [Patent Status]: [Inventors], “[Patent Title]”, [Patent ID], [Date of Patent Application] or [Date of Patent Approved]

*i.e. Applicaiton/Filed: HweeHwa Pang, Xuhua Ding, "Method for Matching Probabilistically Encrypted Data", PCT/SG2014/000590, 10 Dec 2014

What is the above section about

This section consists all the Patents and Intellectual Property obtained by faculty.

The section consist of the following fields Position/Role of the service.

  1. The Patent Status
  2. The inventor/s of the Patent or IP
  3. The Title of the Patent or IP
  4. Date of Patent Application - render as DD MMM YYYY [Display if the Patent Status = Application/Filed]
  5. Date of Patent Approved (if applicable). [Display if the Patent Status = Granted]

Rendering of records will be ordered by Application Date in reverse chronological order.

How to update

Work in Progress

[Names of collaborators]; [Names of external collaborators], [Title], [Year (YYYY)]

*i.e. CHEN Chih-Ying, Peter Chen, Derrald Stice, Yihong Wang, "PCAOD inspections and auditor's going concern opinions", 2016

What is the above section about

This section consists of work that is currently on going and yet in a perceptible or tangible state. Such example could be a research current on-going but in a brainstorming conceptual stage.

The section consist of the following fields

  1. Name of SMU collaborator/s
  2. Name of non SMU/external collaborator/s (if applicable)
  3. Title of the Project
  4. Year which the project started (YYYY).

Rendering of records will be ordered by Year in reverse chronological order.

How to update
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