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Research and Publishing: Home

Research guide for information resources on citation count, journal impact, author identification, publishing, rankings and statistical analysis of publications


The National Library Board issues ISBN for book publications.

For SMU community, the vendor used for design, layout or printing should be able to obtain the ISBN. Otherwise, if you need help with getting an ISBN, complete the request form below and send to

If you have questions, contact Yeo Pin Pin.


This research guide provides sources for:

  • Publishing
  • Checking for quality
  • Journal impact
  • Research impact
  • Field-weighted Citation Impact (FWCI)
  • Citation count
  • Author unique ID
  • Grant writing
  • University rankings

This guide is created and maintained by Yeo Pin Pin.

Demystifying Citation Metrics

Getting Help

If you need help with any items mentioned in this guide, email

Subject Guide

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Pin Pin Yeo
70 Stamford Road Singapore 178901
Subjects: Research

Dong Danping

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Danping Dong
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