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How do I use EndNote : For Windows

A pictorial guide on basic features and functions of EndNote X7


If the APA 6th style does not work properly, you may want to download this file and replace the old file at: C:\Program Files\EndNote X6\Styles

Tech Tip


You can use an EndNote library for multiple Word Documents.

However, refrain using multiple libraries on a single Word Document to avoid linking problems.


When you send your word document to other people, we cannot assume that they have or use EndNote software. Therefore, it is a good practice to convert all the citations to plain text before sending it to other people:
Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Plain Text > Save the Document

Inserting citation(s)

There are a couple of ways to insert citations into your text:

Method 1
Find and insert citation(s) to the document (from MS Word)
(in MS Word) Position cursor > Insert Citation > Find Citation > Search > Highlight reference(s) > Insert

Method 2
Find and insert citation(s) to the document (from EndNote)
(in MS Word) Position cursor
(in EndNote) Highlight reference(s) > Click Insert Citation button

Editing Citations

How to edit or remove in-text citation?
(in MS Word) Highlight citation > Edit & Manage Citation(s)

How to change the style of references?
(in MS Word) Style pull down menu > Select another style

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