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How do I use EndNote : Finding Full Text

A pictorial guide on basic features and functions of EndNote X7

Tech Tip


Find Full Text feature may not work on all databases. The restriction is either due to technical or business reasons of the databases' provider.


EndNote X6 also has an OpenURL feature that can find related online references. To use this feature: select the reference, then go to References > URL > OpenURL Link.

Setting Up

EndNote X6 can attempt to locate full text files on the Web by using data stored in your references. Once found, EndNote downloads and attaches the files to the references.

Before using the Find Full Text feature you need to perform a one-time set up:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text (For Mac: EndNote X6 > Preferences > Find Full Text)
  2. Tick all of the full text search option

  3. In the Open URL Path box, key in:
  4. In the Authenticate box, key in:
  5. Click Apply
  6. Next, go to URLs & Links. In the Open URL Arguments box, key in:

  7. Click Apply

Finding Full Text for a Reference

  1. Select the reference(s) to which you want to add full text
  2. From the References menu, choose Find Full Text > Find Full Text 
  3. Authenticate yourself when prompted and click Done
  4. When prompted with copyright and usage notice, click OK
  5. Wait for EndNote to conduct the retrieval

    Note: Found URL means that EndNote inserted a URL to the referenced work, but did not find a full text document to attach
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