Bloomberg provides real-time and historical pricing, indicative and fundamental data, charts and graphs on different topics, customized analytics, and market news. Use this database to obtain financial and business information, including real-time and intra-day data.
Important Note: Bloomberg has ceased its extended temporary remote access service with effect from 30 June 2022. For access to Bloomberg, please visit the Investment & Data Studio.
BoardEx has in-depth profiles of over 380,000 business leaders, mainly in Europe and North America. It covers over 15,000 publicly quoted companies and major private entities at board and executive management levels. Geographical coverage of companies includes North America 8,000, UK 2,600, Europe 2,500, Australasia 700, India 225, rest of world 900. Data is updated daily and quality assured by about 300 research analysts. Data coverage is from 1997.
In addition to individual profiles, BoardEx maps the business networks and connections among these business leaders, not only via their employment but also education, clubs, charities and memberships.
For historical information, download the Boardex Data Reports. Log in with your SMU ID and password when prompted.
S&P Capital IQ is a web-based platform that has private and public company information, executive profiles, industry analysis, basic commodities information, economic data, historical and future estimates, and a screening function to create lists of companies/people using various criteria.
If you encounter any issues with running the Excel Plug-In please run the batch file again.
Datastream is a financial and economic database of Refinitiv. It provides current and historical time series data on equities, bonds, indices, unit trusts, investment trusts, bonds, exchange rates, interest rates, commodities, derivatives, and economic data.
Access via Datastream alternatively via WRDS (you will need a WRDS account).
Booking instructions: Book an Eikon terminal here and use the corresponding Eikon computer in the Investment & Data Studio at Level 3. Limited to one booking per user per day. Login instructions: Step 1 > Click the Eikon icon on the desktop and wait for the login details to load automatically. DO NOT click on the login area. Step 2 > At Excel, install the Datastream Excel add-on to access Datastream. Guides: How do I install Datastream.
Eikon provides real-time and historical pricing, charts and graphs, customized analytics, and market news on markets such as equities, commodities, fixed income, forex.
Booking instructions: Book a terminal here and use the corresponding Eikon computer in the Investment & Data Studio at Level 3. Limited to one booking per user per day. Login instructions: Click on the Eikon icon on the desktop and wait for the login details to load automatically. DO NOT click on the login area. Guides:How do I use Eikon.
This database features thousands of analyst reports covering over 3,000 global companies and all industries. Reports cover equities and company performance, global and regional economics and financial strategy, foreign exchange, commodities, liquidity, and emerging markets
Coverage is from 2011 onwards, with a one week embargo.
Preqin provides data and information on the private equity asset class and includes: fund information, fund manager profiles, performance analysis, buyout deals analysis and investor intelligence.
Access via Preqin alternatively via WRDS (you will need a WRDS account).
WRDS provides access to over 350 terabytes of data across multiple disciplines including Accounting, Banking, Economics, ESG, Finance, Healthcare, Insurance, Marketing, and Statistics. Data delivery options include a web query method, the WRDS Cloud for executing research and strategy development, and the WRDS client server using PCSAS, Matlab, and R.
Wind Financial Terminal provides data and information on Chinese financial market, covering stocks, bonds, funds, indices, warrants, commodity futures, foreign exchanges, macro industry, etc. in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
Booking instructions: Book a terminal here and access the Investment & Data Studio WIND Financial Terminal. Limited to one booking per user per day. Login instructions: Click on the WIND icon on the desktop and wait for the application to load automatically. Guides:How do I use WIND.
by Sumita Govindan
Last Updated Oct 29, 2021
1027 views this year
Researching Private Companies?
Private companies are not legally required to disclose company information and financial data. It may be difficult to locate the information you require, especially financial information, if you are researching private companies.
The following resources may be able to provide limited information.
Company websites may have updated or exclusive information on the private companies you are researching.
Capital IQThis link opens in a new windowCapital IQ covers 3 types of privates companies: Private companies with public debt, private equity firms, and private corporations.
CrunchbaseThis link opens in a new windowCrunchbase is a platform for finding business information about private and public companies. Crunchbase information includes investments and funding information, founding members and individuals in leadership positions, mergers and acquisitions, news, and industry trends.
To access this database, please fill up this form -- for the login details. Do not re-use login details as these will be periodically refreshed. Attempts to login in with the wrong login details will lead to locked account for 24hours.
Emerging Markets Information ServiceThis link opens in a new windowEMIS provides some key financial data of private companies, but not corporate family tree.
PitchBookThis link opens in a new windowPitchBook contains data on start-ups, their valuations and investment deals (by Private Equity firms, VCs and angel investors), along with their exits (acquisitions, IPOs, closings) for over two decades.
Download limits:
10 daily / 25 monthly rows of company, deal or fund data.
10 daily / 25 monthly rows of people data per user.
OrbisThis link opens in a new windowUse Orbis to find, analyse and compare over 400 million public and private companies. The database also contains industry research, financials and corporate ownership information.
Orbis is also now available from the WRDS platform.
How do I filter/search for private companies?
Search by: Official > Standardised Legal Form