This guide tries to de-mystify the various eBook complexities.
This guide was created by Yuyun Wirawati ISHAK and is maintain by Wei Xia.
The Library subscribes to eBook platforms with titles from a range of publishers. Each platform allows reading online and checking out the eBooks. Usage of eBooks must comply with the Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources Policy.
Library also subscribes to other eBook platforms from individual publishers or vendor that just require Internet browser and/or PDF reader to read online and/or download the eBooks (no checking out/borrowing). Printing, downloading and copying rules may vary.
The Library Titles cover a wide range of topics, including Agriculture, Aquaculture & Food Science, Architecture & Planning, Art & Applied Arts, Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting, Chemistry, Computer Science & Information Technology, Earth, Space & Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Law & Criminology, Life Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry & Healthcare, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Psychology, Social & Behavioral Sciences and Veterinary Medicine has access to ebooks as part of the full text content in databases in Ebscohost (e.g. Business Source Complete, Political Science Complete) and Proquest Research Library. Titles can be browsed and searched in Journals.
Other than subscribed eBooks, there are also many free eBooks available.