Before you download, please ensure that you have My Ebscohost account.
All Audiobook files in the Audiobooks Collection database can be played by Windows Media Player users. Only a few files cannot be played by iTunes users, and in those cases this is noted with a Requires Windows Media Player icon on the result list.
To download :
- Click Download This Audiobook to start downloading.
- Click Save to PC or Save to Mac.
- Locate the downloaded file named DownloadMangerSetup on your computer and click to open it.
- Follow the instructions to install it. For Mac users, drag the Download Manager to your Applications folder.
- You only need to download and setup Manager Installer once. The next time you are downloading audiobook, you can go straight away to Checkout & Download. Select a Checkout period (max 7 days) from the drop-down menu and click Checkout & Download.
- The Download Manager should automatically begin to download the Audiobook to your computer.
For Windows user: Windows Media Player will start once the download is completed.
For Mac user: Audiobooks play on all Apple devices, but not on Mac computers. Therefore, you need to transfer Audiobooks to Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iPod Nano).
- You can download up to 5 Ebsco eBooks/Audiobooks at a time.
- Ebsco Audiobook titles have 1 to 2 concurrent users, applicable to both viewing and downloading. If a title has 1 concurrent user and is currently being downloaded or viewed online by someone, the second person can not view / download the title. Instead, a hold message will appear. You can place hold by logging into your My Ebscohost account.
- Currently, you can not return eBooks and Audiobooks before the checkout period expired. After an Audiobook checkout has expired, the downloaded Audiobook file can not be opened. You must manually delete the file from your computer or devices to remove it.