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Study Skills and Exam Preparation

Designed to help students develop effective study habits and strategies to optimise exam revision.

Exam Study Expert: Ace Your Exams with the Science of Learning by William Wadsworth

Don’t work harder, work smarter: how to study effectively and get the grades of your dreams with winning review strategies, killer memory techniques and exam preparation tips you won’t hear anywhere else. Join Cambridge educated psychologist, study techniques researcher, coach and tutor William Wadsworth as we dive into the secrets of academic success. Looking for the grades of your dreams? Want to know the real secrets to preparing for and taking exams? Through a powerful combination of rich personal experience and the very latest learning and memory science, William and his expert guests are here to help. Here's to results day smiles!



Check out the latest episodes below đźŽ§

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Chloe Made Me Study by Chloe Burroughs

This podcast provides simple studying advice for non-traditional students returning to education to advance their careers. You’re in the right place if you’re a mature student, distance or workplace learner (or all three like Chloe) and studying for a degree or professional qualification. Chloe Burroughs, study skills expert and author of The Return to Study Handbook, will teach you how to study effectively so that you can boost your academic confidence, get more done in less time, and achieve the grades you really want. 



Check out the latest episodes below đźŽ§

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LinkedIn Learning Course: Learning Study Skills by Paul Nowak

Whether you want to ace your next test or simply retain information better (at work or at home), good study habits are essential. Paul Nowak offers tips for improving your reading speed and comprehension, creating detailed notes, committing the learning to memory, and even taking tests. The information in this course is appropriate for all levels of learners, from grade school and grad students to full-time members of the workforce. Start watching now - you'll never approach studying the same way again.

Related FAQ: How do I access to LinkedIn Learning?

Kanopy Great Courses: How to Become a Superstar Student by Michael Geisen

Michael Geisen, the 2008 National Teacher of the Year, has shown thousands of students how to achieve lasting success. And now, he can give your own student the same vital skills that will carry him or her through high school, college, and well into the challenges of adult life. Packed with advice, tips, tricks, and resources, this course has the power to transform your student’s education.

University 101: Study, Strategize, and Succeed by Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Call Number: This is an e-Book.

Publication Date: 2018


University 101: Study, Strategize, and Succeed helps students to create a foundation for post-secondary studies by learning how to learn. By taking the time to read this book and work through the exercises included, students are investing in the skills that will support them in all of their classes and future learning. Successful students share a set of skills and habits in common. The good news is that these skills are not a secret; anyone can learn the skills that support successful learning. By taking some time to learn proven study strategies, students will be able to reach their learning goals, and avoid the pitfalls that can take them off-track.

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