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Study Skills and Exam Preparation

Designed to help students develop effective study habits and strategies to optimise exam revision.

Tips for Time Management

There are so many things demanding our attention every day, which may distract us from studying effectively. Watch the video and learn practical tips to better deal with distractions and improve your productivity!

Plan Your Semester & Weeks

Through a semester, it is very common to have several assignments due at the same time and it is easy to run out of time without careful planning. So, you are strongly encouraged to plan your semester ahead realistically so that you don’t miss any deadlines. You can do this in Week 1 or now – better late than never.

We recommend you to adopt the timetables suggested by the Monash University Library. Below shows you an example of a partial semester timetable:

  1. You can put your different modules in the first row and the weeks down the first column.
  2. The table should contain the due dates of all your tests and assignments and the steps of preparation for each test or assignment.
  3. Then, you can work backwards from the due date and plan for your preparation in logical order across the weeks before the due date.

Your weekly schedules may vary from week to week, so do plan them flexibly.

The following example from the Monash University Library gives you an idea of what your average week should look like:

  1. Please include all your classes and any other commitments, such as CCAs, project meetings, and personal appointments.
  2. For each class, you may want to block in at least 30 mins preparation time and another 30 mins review time on the same day of your class.
  3. When your vacant slots are clear, allocate time to work on your assignments or to study for tests.
  4. Do consider your preferences: do you prefer short bursts or long stretches when study alone?
  5. Also be realistic – block in time for regular breaks, travel times (to/from uni), meal times and leisure times – they all take time too.
  6. Finally, you may also keep some free hours to allow for the unexpected.
  7. When you can’t fit everything in, you may need to consider reducing your extra-curricular activities during the week.

Assignment Calculator

No last minute rush. Plan your assigment earlier. Try this Assignment Calculator from San José State University.


Assignment Calculator

Start Date: - -
Due Date: - -
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library
San José State University

Avoid Procrastinations

Procrastination is more about our mindset - being rational whilst our easy and fun instincts. Watch this hilarious and insightful TED talk by Tim Urban to find out what’s going on inside the mind of a procrastinator!

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