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Study Skills and Exam Preparation

Designed to help students develop effective study habits and strategies to optimise exam revision.

Tips for Exam Revision

Normally the stress level will reach the peak prior to or during the exam period. Here are some coping strategies to help you effectively revise for exams and ease your stress level:

  1. Whenever possible, start your revision 1-3 weeks before the exam date. Allowing yourself this time will likely make you feel that you are well prepared and confident.
  2. Plan and organise your review sessions by dividing your time between various subjects. You may schedule fewer sessions for subjects that you are more confident with and spend more efforts on your weaker subjects.
  3. Go to all the review sessions organised by your profs or TAs (teaching assistants), if any. Organise group review sessions with friends to complete your notes, discuss possible exam questions and solutions, and recite definitions and formulas.
  4. Review as many relevant materials as possible, including course notes and readings, case studies done in class or on your own, quizzes and mid-term exams...
  5. Always start with a 15-30 minutes’ read-through of what you studied and reviewed the day before.
  6. For some learning points that worth special attention, be it a key point that is frequently tested or a weaker point that you will have to review again, put them aside on your journal. Because you will probably want to go through them one more time right before your exam and leverage on your short-term memory.

Tips to Ace Exams

To help you get through these stressful yet fulfilling weeks, check out these personal tips for stress managment and exam revision from the Library Peer Advisors (LPAs)

To help you get through these stressful yet fulfilling weeks, check out these personal tips for stress managment and exam revision from the Library Peer Advisors (LPAs)

To help you get through these stressful yet fulfilling weeks, check out these personal tips for stress managment and exam revision from the Library Peer Advisors (LPAs)

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