LexsitusLexsitus is a service of the Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP), developed in co-operation with HELM Studio."Lexsitus, a new service that supports the learning of, and work with, legal sources in international criminal law. It visually integrates lectures, commentary, case law, preparatory works, and digests, at the level of every article of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. This includes 234 subtitled lectures by a diverse Lexsitus Faculty of 50 experts (with searchable transcripts), and introductions by leaders in the field such as Judges Marc Perrin de Brichambaut and LIU Daqun, Prosecutors Serge Brammertz, Benjamin B. Ferencz and Mirna Goransky, Professor Narinder Singh and Dr. Alexa Koenig. Norway, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy and HELM Studio are partners in the Lexsitus project." January 2018.