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PhD in Business (Strategic Management & Organisation)
Session 10
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PhD in Business (Strategic Management & Organisation): Session 10
This guide points to useful resources for MGMT 708 taught by Professor Kannan Srikanth.
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Session 10
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Diversification – I
1. Teece, D.J., "Towards an Economic Theory of the Multi¬product Firm," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1982.
2. Rumelt, R.P. (1982). ‘Diversification Strategy and Profitability’. Strategic Management Journal, 3(4): 359-369.
3. Montogomery, C., and B. Wernerfelt. "Diversification, Ricardian rents and Tobin's q." Rand Journal of Economics, 19, 1988, pp. 623-632.
4. Montgomery, C. (1994). ‘Corporate Diversification’. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(3): 163-178.
5. Matsusaka, J. G. 2001. Corporate diversification, value maximization, and organizational capabilities. Journal of Business. 74(3) 409-431.
6. Maksimovic, V., G. Phillips. 2002. Do conglomerate firms allocate resources inefficiently across industries? Theory and evidence. Journal of Finance. 57(2) 721-767.
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7. Teece, D.J., G. Dosi, R. Rumelt and S. Winter, "Understanding Corporate Coherence: Theory and Evidence," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 23, 1994, pp. 1-30.
8. Chatterjee, S. and B. Wernerfelt, ''The Link Between Resources and Type of Diversification: Theory and Evidence," Strategic Management Journal, 1991.
9. Montgomery, C.A., "Product Market Diversification and Market Power," Academy of Management Journal, 28 (4), 1985, pp. 789-798.
10. Montgomery, C.A. and H. Singh, "Diversification Strategy and Systematic Risk," Strategic Management Journal, June 1984.
11. Teece, D.J. (1980). ‘Economies of Scope and the Scope of the Enterprise’. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1:223-247.
12. Markides, C. and Williamson, P. (1994). ‘Related Diversification, Core Competences and Corporate Performance’. Strategic Management Journal, 15(Special Issue): 149-166.
13. Goold and Luchs 2006 Why diversify? Four decades of management thinking. The Oxford handbook of strategy (Eds. Faulkner and Campbell).
David O. Faulkner (Editor); Andrew Campbell (Editor)
ISBN: 0199248648
Publication Date: 2003-04-10
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