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PhD in Business (Strategic Management & Organisation)
Session 8
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PhD in Business (Strategic Management & Organisation): Session 8
This guide points to useful resources for MGMT 708 taught by Professor Kannan Srikanth.
Session 1
Session 2
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Session 8
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Session 11
Transaction cost economics and the scope of the firm –I: Vertical Integration
The Economics, Organization and Management
Paul Milgrom; John Roberts
ISBN: 0132246503
Publication Date: 1992-02-01
Read Chapter 9
2. Klein, B., Crawford, R.G., and Alchian, A.A. (1978). ‘Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process’. Journal of Law and Economics, 21(2):297-326.
3. Monteverde, K. and Teece, D.J. (1982). ‘Supplier Switching Costs and Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry’. Bell Journal of Economics, 13(1): 206-213.
4. Monteverde, K. and Teece, D.J. (1982). ‘Appropriable rents and quasi-vertical integration’. Journal of Law and Economics, 25(October): 321-328.
5. Caves, R.E., and Bradburd, R.M. (1988). ‘The Empirical Determinants of Vertical Integration’. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 9(3): 265-279.
6. Jacobides and Hitt 2005. Losing sight of the forest for the trees? Productive capabilities and gains from trade as drivers of vertical scope. Strategic Management Journal.
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7. Klein, B. (1988). ‘Vertical Integration as Organizational Ownership: The Fisher Body-General Motors Relationship revisited’. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 4(1): 199-213.
8. Joskow, P.L. (1988). ‘Asset Specificity and the Structure of Vertical Relationships: Empirical Evidence’. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 4(1): 95-117
Handbook of Industrial Organization
Richard Schmalensee (Editor); Robert D. Willig (Editor); Mark Armstrong; Robert H. Porter
ISBN: 0444704345
Publication Date: 1989-09-11
Read pages 183-255
10. Masten, S.E., Meehan, W.J., and Snyder, E.A. (1989). ‘Vertical Integration in the U.S. Auto Industry’. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 12(2): 265-273.
11. Pisano, G.P. (1990). ‘The R&D Boundaries of the Firm: An Empirical Analysis’. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1): 153-176.
12. Lieberman, M.B. (1991). ‘Determinants of Vertical Integration: An Empirical Test’. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 39(5): 451-466.
13. Atalay, Enghin, Ali Hortaçsu, and Chad Syverson. 2014. Vertical Integration and Input Flows. American Economic Review, 104(4): 1120-48. **
14. Jacobides. 2005. Industry Change Through Vertical Disintegration: How and Why Markets Emerged in Mortgage Banking. Academy of Management Journal.
Session 7
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