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SMU Libraries

Redzuan Abdullah

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Redzuan Abdullah
Academic Qualifications:
MSc. in Information Studies, MSc. in Business and Management.

My Guides

Business Case Studies
Last update: Sep 28, 2022 1225 views
Last update: Oct 11, 2022 20 views
Last update: May 28, 2024 1411 views
Last update: May 17, 2023 189 views
Last update: Jul 4, 2024 43 views
Last update: Jul 4, 2024 140 views
Last update: Jul 28, 2022 173 views
Last update: Jul 22, 2024 28 views
Last update: Aug 19, 2020 162 views
Strategy (MGMT102)
Last update: Aug 19, 2020 186 views
Last update: Jul 2, 2024 474 views
Last update: Jul 20, 2024 2062 views
Understanding Thailand
Last update: Jul 2, 2024 518 views
Understanding Vietnam
Last update: Jul 2, 2024 395 views

My Subject Specialties

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