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Economic Analysis (FNCE617 MAF): Home

Guide to resources on economic analysis of micro and macro economics topics


This guide has been compiled to support students in their course work for Economic Analysis (FNCE617). 


Course Description

Economic Analysis is an intensive course covering a vast array of macro and micro economic topics in nine (two preparatory and seven regular) weekly sessions. In macro economics we study how major markets are interrelated, and how their interactions lead to booms and busts of entire economies. In micro economics we study how each commodity market works, and how resources are optimally allocated by the coming together of supply and demand. This course pays a lot of attention to what economists call market failures, where do market failures come from, and what policies are best suited to correct them. While part of our aim is to prepare students for the CFA examination, we also want to deliver a set of analytical tools, which are crucial to understanding the fundamental momentum governing the financial and other markets.

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Researching for Economic Analysis (FNCE617 MAF) Project

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