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Understanding Japan: Environmental

This guide provides useful information and links to resources on Japan.

At A Glance


The following information have been carefully selected for your reference. Some resources may have bias perspectives. Please approach the SMU Libraries ( ) should you have any doubts or need clarifications.


In Kamikatsu, Japan, local government require all residents to comply with a new, rigorous recycling program that residents are living on zero waste.

This is how Japan Recycles Plastic Trays. I’m at the Ibaraki Kanto recycling factory of Japan’s largest plastic food container producer, FPCO. This Japanese factory recycles used plastic food trays to make brand new ones. In fact, they are the first company in the world who started tray-to-tray container production. All throughout Japan, used plastic trays are commonly collected at designated supermarket recycle bins, where they’re picked up by trucks and brought to recycling factories. About 5 tons of plastic trays are collected every day at this factory.


This section explores the environmental aspects in Japan.

Find out how the residents use to draw water for everyday tasks in the village of Living Water, Harie, where many buildings in this district have a kabata.

Inside the Fukushima Reactor

Tom Steinfort and Australian energy expert, Dr Ben Heard, venture deep into the infamous radioactive reactor at Fukushima in Japan after it's massive disaster.

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