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Learning Is Different! Top 3 Hacks: #3 Group Work Skills

This guide provides practical tips for you to get ready for Term 1.

At a Glance

Group projects are not the most fun thing and online group projects have even more challenges. Read on to find out how you can conquer these challenges in a virtual and physical team!

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Recommended Tools

Wondering how you can meet your group mates online and better collaborate with them outside of the classroom? Here are the top 5 tools and apps that can help you discuss, allocate tasks and efficiently collaborate with your group mates!

1. Microsoft Teams (Highly Recommended!)

Microsoft Teams is your hub for teamwork. Whether it's a team of 10 or 10,000, you can chat, meet, call and collaborate from anywhere. In teams, you can access, share and edit on Words doc, Powerpoint and Excel files in real-time. 

Get a quick start on Microsoft Teams! Use it for your group discussions and collaboration. Got a question? This FAQ on Microsoft Teams may help!

2. Zoom (Highly Recommended!)

You will use Zoom quite often for attending your classes or other webinars! Campus-wide licensed Zoom accounts are available to you, through which you can host a meeting of up to 300 participants.

Check out this Zoom Quick Guide for Students! For Zoom common troubleshooting, click here.

3. Google Apps


G Suite is a suite of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools, software and products developed by Google. Through your SMU email address, you will be able to access these tools and consolidate your works effortlessly.

How do I log into Google Apps?

4. Telegram


Telegram is the most used messaging app by students in SMU. It is often used for group projects, online collaborations or simply for entertainment use! Telegram's cloud service allows users to send, access and download files from any platform device with ease. Moreover, you may make use of its tools - such as creating polls for efficient decision making among your peers.

There are some bots you can use as well (Type these into your Telegram search bar and they will show up!):

@countmeinbot: Create polls

@SMUTimetableBot: Find common free time slots within your group and check on your upcoming lessons and exams

5. Asana


Asana is designed to help teams organise, track and manage your work. With its customisable and user friendly page, Asana will be a great tool for you to manage your project timeline. In essence, it acts as an online calendar for you and your team. Asana is available both as a mobile phone application and on the web.

Tips for Successful Virtual Team Facilitation

Need more information? Click on the image to find out 8 tips to successful virtual team meetings!

Tired of Reading? Watch These Videos!

To start off working in groups:

  • Delegate roles based on each members' strengths.
  • Manage expectations by setting out rules early on in the project.
  • Set earlier internal deadlines to better manage the workload and have enough time for clarifications.

What matters for project planning: 

  • Make sure all members are on the same page for purpose, goals and approach.
  • Schedule constant check-ins to make sure that the group is working towards the right direction and getting work done according to the plans.

Teamwork is collaborating and coordinating with people of all backgrounds, where cultural barriers and different end goals would always act as hindrances. However, the above needs to be resolved as teaming is a necessary skill in today's world. To do so, let's:

  • Be humble in the face of the challenges ahead 
  • Be willing to take risks and to learn quickly 
  • Always stay curious about what others can bring to the team

What makes a successful team:

  • Innovating faster
  • Achieving higher productivity 
  • Finding better solutions to problems 

To achieve the above:

  • Allow team members to have equal proportion of contribution
  • Value and respect every member 
  • Have high social sensitivity
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