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SMU Libraries

Alumni Research Navigator: Apply Library Membership

Guide to credible resources even after graduation from SMU

SMU Alumni Library Membership

The annual fee for SMU Alumni library membership is at $200.

The membership provides the following privileges to the Alumni.

  • Physical access to both the Li Ka Shing Library and Kwa Geok Choo Law Library during library operating hours including block out period
  • Loan of physical resources
  • Six physical items with the following loan duration:
    • 28 days (General Collection)
    • 3 hours (Reserves)
    • 7 days (Magazine)
  • Access of selected databases onsite
  • Access to SMU Libraries virtual reference and research services
  • Attend events, curated tours and bite-sized workshops organise by SMU Libraries
    • e.g, Bite-size workshops, SMU Art Collection tour

Interested individuals, can fill up the SMU Alumni Library Membership form.
The library will contact you for payment details within 3 working days upon receipt of completed form.

Alumni can retrieve the digital Alumni card for verification and entry purposes using the link below

SMU Alumni Hexagon


The use of electronic resources must comply with the Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources Policy and Singapore Management University Acceptable Use Policy