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SMU Researcher Club

Our activities

Our activities are designed to shed insights on useful research skills and tools, as well as information about local and global opportunities. Our activities, both in events and in resources, are curated, co-created and/or self-initiated. We work closely with the SMU Libraries, our own researchers, as well as other Offices to make the activities possible!

Research Salon and Writing Bootcamp (Jan - March 2025)
Pitching and Matchmaking session @ 15 Jan 2025

Do you have a research topic/ article that you want to work on, but require co-authors? Do you want to learn how to write with the guidance of a more experienced researcher?

SMU Researcher Club is proud to share that we are rolling out the 1st iteration of the “Research Salon and Writing Bootcamp” on 15 Jan 2025. This initiative offers a platform for researchers to pitch their article ideas and seek like-minded researchers to write collaboratively. Once a group (or pair) is formed, the team will embark on a 9-week writing boot camp to finish and submit the manuscript.

Date: Wednesday, 15 Jan 2025
Time: 2 - 4 PM
Location: Learning Lab 1 & 2, Li Ka Shing Library


Submit your idea for the pitching session or explore ideas from other participants and indicate your interest in the comments. 
For those who want to observe and join the ‘matchmaking’ without committing to the writing bootcamp, you are welcome too!

What to Expect:

  • Introduction to the programme
  • Pitching of ideas: Researchers with ideas for an article can submit your entry here and make a 5-min pitch each to seek potential collaborators.
  • Find your interest: Each pitch(er) will have a table. Participants can roam around the tables to discuss the potential of forming a team.
  • Open pitch: 2 empty slots will be available for those who decide to make a last-minute pitch and seek a team.
  • Find your team: If you see eye-to-eye and settle on a team, please register your team. For those who form a team, you will be briefed on the next steps.

Important Notes

If you are a PhD student:

  • The idea you pitch or participate in (and subsequently content from the manuscript) must not count towards your graduation requirement (e.g., a part of your PhD monograph and/or your PhD publication criteria).

If you are a staff/ faculty:

  • The idea you pitch or participate in (and subsequently content from the manuscript) must not form your project/grant deliverable. If the topic is highly relevant to your project’s portfolio, please seek your PI’s opinion.

Taming Information Overload for Literature Review: Strategies, Practices, and AI’s Growing Influence
Followed by SMU Researcher Club Networking Lunch

In an era of information overload, organizing and synthesizing research effectively is crucial to a successful literature review. This panel discussion brings together faculty, researchers and PhD students from diverse disciplines to share their personal approaches and strategies for managing research information. Panelists will discuss common practices, unique methods, and the evolving role of AI tools in supporting the literature review process. Join us for an engaging and practical conversation designed to help researchers navigate the complexities of information management and turn vast resources into meaningful insights.

Date: Wednesday, 15 Jan 2025
Time: 12 - 2 PM
Location: Learning Lab 1 & 2, Li Ka Shing Library


  • Lau Kwan Ho, Assistant Professor of Law, SMU
  • Ashok Kasthuri, PhD Student in Computer Science, SMU
  • Nadyanna Binte Mohamed Majeed, PhD Student in Psychology, NUS
  • Aaron Tay, Head of Data Services, SMU Libraries

Following the panel, enjoy a networking session with refreshments, where you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other researchers and your friendly librarians who will support you throughout your research journey.

This is a joint event organized by College of Graduate Research Studies, SMU Libraries and SMU Researcher Club.  

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