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SMU Libraries

Analysis and Visualization Tools

Learn how to do your research faster and better!


SMU Libraries provides support to the researcher across the whole research workflow.

This guide is a one-stop source for faculty and researchers to get an overview of the analysis and visualization tools that are open source or provided by SMU Libraries. The tools on this list have been tested and curated by SMU Librarians , do let us know if you need support on them.

This guide also feature tools that cover the 7 phases in a research cycle (Bosman & Kramer, 2016), namely:

  1. Preparation
  2. Discovery
  3. Analysis
  4. Writing
  5. Publication
  6. Outreach
  7. Assessment

Feel free to reach out to us. should you have any questions or need any help with these tools. 

Source: Bosman, J., & Kramer, B.. (2016). Swiss army knives of scholarly communication - ResearchGate, Academia, Mendeley and others (Version 1). figshare. (['']) 

Past Workshops

Below are the list of recordings of selected past workshops. Please login with you SMU account to access them.

2022 September workshops


2022 January-February workshops


2021 August workshops

  • Mapping your Literature review. Learn 3 techniques that go beyond keyword searching for literature review.. Get updated on the latest discovery search tools that leverage on citations to do literature mapping! 

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