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How do I research Information Systems topics: Research Methodology

Guide to researching information systems topics.

Research Methodology

General about Research

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Empirical Research

Mixed Methodology

Case Studies

Where to look for case studies?


Search on the library homepage for books that include case studies using keywords case studies and <another term> e.g., case studies and business logistics



Search eJournals in the library search box.



Search in the databases e.g., EBSCOHost, Proquest, and Gartner etc. for articles including case studies


  • Use advanced search in EBSCOHost database: Type case studies in the 1st box, Change Select a Field to SU Subject Terms, Add additional search terms on the following lines.
  • Use advanced search in Proquest database: Search tab, Type case study in the 1st box, Change Citation and abstract to Document type, Add additional search terms on the following lines
  • Use Gartner database: Type keywords case study and <subject term> in the search box on the homepage.

Internet Resources


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