Step 1:
Turn on the "Find it @ SMU Libraries" link in Google Scholar to find full text more easily using the Google Scholar button later on.
Go to Google Scholar > Settings
Go to "Library Links" and do a search for "Singapore Management University". Check the box next to it. Click on "Save".
To check if the settings are saved, you can do a search on Google Scholar, you will see Find it @ SMU Libraries appearing beside some of the article titles.
Step 2:
From any website, search for an article. Highlight the article title and click on the "Google Scholar Button" icon in the bookmark bar. A list of results will be displayed in the pop-up box.
Alternatively, click on the "Google Scholar Button" directly and do a search for an article.
To see the full list of results, click on "Open Results in a New Tab" .
If you wish to save a result for viewing later, click on the star to save it to your Google Scholar library .