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Understanding USA: Business & Economics

This guide provides useful information and links to resources on USA.

At A Glance


The following information have been carefully selected for your reference. Some resources may have bias perspectives. Please approach the SMU Libraries ( ) should you have any doubts or need clarifications.


Find out more about the story behind Manhattan's super-rich neighbourhood. 

Manhattan is no longer filled with traffic congestion and tourist traps. This part of New York has seen a boom in new restaurants and bars, especially from Brooklyn.


This section explores the various aspects of doing business in U.S.A.

Business Law

  • Legal Updates
    This link provides a comprehensive guide to the legal regulations in the United States of America.

Economics & Infrastructure

This section explores the economics and infrastructure in U.S.A.

U.S economy makes it the most important single factor in global trade. Its exports represent more than one-tenth of the world total. The United States also influences the economies of the rest of the world because it is a significant source of investment capital.

Additional Resources

Business Etiquette

Learn some basic American's business culture before making your trip.

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