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Understanding Philippines: Innovation & Entrepreneurship

This guide provides useful information and links to resources on the Philippines.

At A Glance

Check out this video to learn more of the benefits a startup business can get from the government. This video shares the general efforts needed to build a startup ecosystem in Philippines.


This section explores key background of innovation and entrepreneurship that lead to the development of the startup ecosystem in the country. This segment hosts reports or write-ups from several communities in Indonesia.

Key Players and Community Groups

This section explores information on current players, vertical investors information in the ecoystem. Current SMU students are encouraged to prospect the following databases for company research in the ecosystem. 

The following is a list of some of the key community players in the Philippines.

Reading List

This sections provide essential readings on the topics. Resources in the form of online magazine on the subject matter are suggested here as well.

What You Need to Know

This section explores key information on setting up companies in the Philippines as well as laws, country risks, policies, market, and funding etc. (Note: This may have repetitions from the Business and Economics Tab)

Current Development and Trends

This section explores key developments and trends in the ecosystem. It includes information on size of the digital economy, consumer, Internet, Technology Framework et cetera. Current SMU students are encouraged to harness these resources for their research.

Selected print books & eBooks

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