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Keep Calm and Read Laterally! A Lateral Reading Tutorial: Food For Thought

Learn about the Lateral Reading strategy for evaluating digital information and become a more critical consumer of information.

Photo by Isabella and Zsa Fischer

We hope that the self-directed learning activity has helped you further develop a more nuanced and complete perspective on the credibility of the assessed pieces. Now, ask yourself:

  • Will you cite them in your research?
  • Will you share them on your social media? 


What we are trying to highlight here are the context of your information needs as well as the sliding scale of credibility. If you are writing an academic research paper, you probably don’t want to cite them. Instead, a better choice might be citing the official and original releases. On the other hand, if you just want to share the fun stories with your friends, it would be fine as long as the claims have been verified to be true.


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Thank you :)

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Zhenyan Li
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