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Higher Education News: Home

News on higher education management, leadership, and latest development.

The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education, US-based higher education journalism, provides news and articles on colleges and universities.

Access the Chronicle online or sign-up for their email updates.

Financial Times

Register with your SMU email to access FT content.

Inside Higher Ed

Inside Higher Ed publishes daily and content includes news stories, opinion essays and career advice. A few interesting sections:

Email alert is available upon sign-up.


Access Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning online, or follow the feeds below.

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University World News

University World News provides higher education stories from top world-ranking universities to institutions in more marginalised parts of the globe.

Access University World News online or sign-up for their email updates.

Times Higher Education (THE)

Provides global higher education coverage as well as world university rankings, news, and opinions.

You need a personal subscription to THE to access their content.


Educause Review

Educause Review takes a broad look at current developments and trends in information technology, how they may affect the college/university as an institution, and what these mean for higher education and society.

Access Educause Review online, sign up for email update, or follow the feed below.


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