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SMU Libraries

Health Economics (ECON 215): Newspapers

Guide to resources on health or medical economics

  Databases Available to SMU Community Only

Browse Singapore Newspapers

In Factiva, you can browse the last 14 days of selected newspapers (e.g. Straits Times and Business Times):

  1. Click on News Pages tab in the top menu bar
  2. Click on Group Pages
  3. Scroll to the newspaper and click on the dropdown arrow to select date and section


Search for Article in Singapore Newspapers on Factiva

In Factiva, Straits Times is available from 1 July 1989 and Business Times from 29 January 1984.

To search for an article in one specific newspaper:

  1. Click on Search > Search Builder in the top menu bar
  2. Click on Source and type the newspaper title in the Search box, e.g. Business Times
  3. Click on the newspaper title in the results list to limit your search to this publication only
  4. Type the article title or keywords in the Free Text search box
  5. Select the Date range or enter your own date range
  6. Click on Search
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