The country’s government websites are authoritative sources of information on the different ministries and organs of the state.
The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in
For government data, explore the The Ministry of Economy and Planning and the Statistical Tables from SAMIRAD.
Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities
Minister of Economy and Planning
Ministry Of Petroleum and Mineral Resources (in Arabic)
Department of Zakat and Income Tax
Use Globalex for Legal Information on the country.
For company information try the following:
EIU Country Reports and EIU Country Profiles are good starting points. You will find information such as the country’s 2-year Outlook [political and economic]; Monthly Review [in pdf or html format including an annual review]; Data and Charts [statistical information such as GDP, Fiscal and financial indicators, trade, sector trends, foreign trade and payment]; and Country Snapshot [provides basic facts and figures].
Also use Business Source Complete which indexes sources such as:
The following are examples of print and media resources are available in the library collection. Do a Library Search for their availability.
In addition, you might want to use the following search strings:
- "Saudi Arabia"
- "Middle East" and cultu*
- "Middle East" and soci*
- "Middle East" and financ*
- "Middle East" and econom*
- "Middle East" and business*