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SMU Libraries

Human Capital and Economics of Education (ECON 239): Journals

Guide to resources for the Human Capital and Economics of Education Course


Use the Journals tab on the library homepage if

a) you wish to check the availability of ejournals not listed on this page

b) when you have the full or partial citation of a journal article and you wish to retrieve the full text.


Most eJournals can be accessed from off-campus. 

·       You will be prompted to authenticate 

Type your SMU domain\SMU id(e.g. smustu\ac.tan.2012 if you are

a student or smustf\actan if you are a staff) and password.

Then click on OK or Log In.



To get the full text of: Card, David and Alan B. Krueger (1992), "Does School Quality Matter? Returns to Education and the Characteristics of Public Schools in the United States" Journal of Political Economy 100, 1-40.

Step 1: Check Journals to see if the Library subscribes to the full text. Type the journal name in the search box, i.e. Journal of Political Economy

Step 2: Choose an appropriate source which covers the year you need, eg Business Source Complete, JSTOR, University of Chicago Press  

Step 3: Browse by year, volume, issue and page or use the Search function to look for the article. 


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