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Legal Internship Research Toolkit: Looking for Resources

What kind of legal resources can I use for my internship?

There are many resources you can use when doing legal research and different resources are good for different purposes. 

Primary resources like cases and legislation are the direct sources of law and should be used when substantiating your case. 

Secondary sources like textbooks and legal encyclopedias do not form the law but they provide a good starting point in your research because they provide summaries of the state of law, and identify the relevant legislation and cases for a given topic. They can also be used to support legal arguments if there are no cases supporting a given proposition. 

Bear in mind that you are not allowed to use SMU's databases and books (unless your firm has a corporate membership) when you're on your internship as this contravenes licensing agreements! 

You can navigate the tabs above to find out where to find different kinds of legal materials. 

The below show some examples of primary and secondary legal resources you can use in your research.


(Created by: Joseph Kennedy)

The use of electronic resources must comply with the Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources Policy and Singapore Management University Acceptable Use Policy