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Geospatial Analytics and Business Intelligence (IS415): Find Articles

Highlighted Research Resources

Gartner Database Technology Hype Cycles Reports bring to you: 

  • graphic representations of the maturity and adoption of technologies and applications, and how they are potentially relevant to solving real business problems and exploiting new opportunities.
  • views of how a technology or application will evolve over time, and insight to manage its deployment within the context of your specific business goals.
  • Example: Hype Cycle for Pattern-Based Strategy, Hype Cycle for Human-Computer Interaction, and Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies.

Gartner Database Magic Quadrants and MarketScopes Reports give you:

  • visual snapshots of a market's direction, maturity and participants.
  • Example: Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms and Magic Quadrant for Transportation Management Systems.

Other Research from Gartner Database

  • Highlights From the Esri International User Conference 2010.
  • Intelligence-Led Policing Evolves.

ACM Database Featured Publications

Information Systems Databases subscribed by SMU Libraries

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