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Managing Your Reading Lists: Home

Reading Lists 101

Reading List is a feature within eLearn that enables you to list together all the readings that you want to assign for a particular course. The main benefit? You can easily add (from sources such as the library, external websites or your own files), modify and rollover the list to the next term. Need assistance? Contact the Collection Management & Strategies team at

To start creating a Reading List for your course, log in to eLearn and follow the steps below:

You can now add resources such as books, journal articles and newspaper articles from the library to your reading list. Students will be able to get direct access to articles and be able to check on the location and availability of books in real time. 

From Library Search within eLearn

You can also now pull resources from the web and add them to your reading lists, including articles from Google Scholar, websites and Youtube videos using a feature called +Reading List that you can add to your bookmarks toolbar. 

Add +Reading List to your Bookmarks Toolbar


Adding Articles


Adding Videos


You can also pull materials such as PDF or Word documents, PowerPoint slides and other file types to your reading list. However do ensure that the copyright of these files belong to you or that upload of the resources are permissible. 

You can also request for chapters to be digitized and added to the reading list. All requests will be subjected to guidelines under the Copyright Act and the CLASS License.

Once you have created your Reading List and are satisfied with the content, it will be sent to the Library. The Library will proceed with checking citations and links, processing any requests for new books or scanned chapters and other copyrighted material.  Faculty will need to change the status in eLearn from Hidden to Visible (See Step 2). This will give students access to the Reading List. 

  Step 1:


Step 2: 

You can also duplicate / roll over your reading lists from term to term saving you time and effort in creating the list from scratch every term. Once you have verified the details in the Reading List, click on "My List is Ready" to publish the list that is rolled over.

The use of electronic resources must comply with the Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources Policy and Singapore Management University Acceptable Use Policy