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SMU Libraries

Rajen Munoo

Profile Photo
Rajen Munoo
SMU Libraries
+65 6828 0492
My Interests:
Media & Information Literacy; Teaching & Learning Informatics

My Academic Qualifications:
M Lib & Info Mgt (Sheffield, UK); M Info Studies (Univ. of Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa); Specialist Dip. in e-Learning & Instructional Design (NIE, Singapore); Higher Ed. Dip.(UNISA, South Africa)

My Guides

Last update: Mar 13, 2024 66 views
Last update: Jul 4, 2024 323 views
Last update: Jan 3, 2023 4 views
Understanding LAOS
Last update: Dec 31, 2023 918 views
Understanding Malaysia
Last update: Jul 20, 2024 406 views
Understanding Taiwan
Last update: Dec 31, 2023 1777 views

My Subject Specialties

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