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How do I use EndNote : Managing References

A pictorial guide on basic features and functions of EndNote X7

Tech Tip


EndNote style collection includes more than 5,000 styles. You can also create completely new styles if necessary. 


You can create a maximum of 500 Custom Groups and Smart Groups (combined) in a single library.


You can add a reference to any number of groups.


Removing a reference from a custom group does not delete it from the library. It removes the reference from the group subset, but the reference still exists in the library.

Editing, Printing, Deleting

How to change the style of references?
Use the Output Style pull down menu. Remember, you could always change the style until you print the references on paper!

How to edit/change the information of the references?
Double click the reference to edit it or use the Quick Edit at the Tab Pane.

How to print the references directly from EndNote?
File > Print
If you want to print only selected references: Highlight reference(s) > File > Print

How to find duplicate references?
References > Find Duplicates

How to delete references?
References can be deleted by using the delete button. Once deleted, the reference goes to Trash group. References in Trash group cannot be searched or cited but can be restored. To empty the Trash group, go to References > Empty Trash.


How to create groups and group my references?
To create Custom Groups: Groups > Create Group
You can drag-and-drop to copy individual references into a custom group.

To create Smart Groups: Groups > Create Smart Group
You can use search criteria to dynamically update groups as existing references are edited or new references are added to the library.

To create Combination Groups: Groups > Create From Groups
You can combine groups and use AND, OR, and NOT to create new, useful smart group sets.

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