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Economics Research Navigator: Find Journals

Gateway to economics research resources and services available in SMU

How do I find a journal

To find a journal when you know the journal title, e.g.

  • Econometrica
  • Quarterly Journal of Economics
  • Harvard Business Review
  1. Search using the Library Search box (which retrieves books, journals, and articles)
  2. Type the journal title, e.g. Econometrica
  3. Check for links like Online / Full Text / View more details: SMU Catalogue


  1. Search Journals (which contains records for all print and online journals accessible to SMU)
  2. Type the journal title, e.g. Journal of Economc Perspectives
  3. Check for links to sources and the years covered for full text

Tips to find an article

Here are some tips to help you find the journal you need:

  • Type as much of the journal title as you know
  • If you want the words to be in the order typed, add quotes, e.g. "Harvard Business Review"
  • If you want to only search the words in the journal title, select Title Contains (beside the search box)
  • If the title is a common word or phrase, e.g. Economist, use Journals and select Titles Exact match as the search mode


Find other journals

Search with the Library Search box using broad subject keywords and the word periodicals. E.g.

    • Business periodicals
    • Econometrics periodicals
    • International finance periodicals

 Search in Journals > click on Subjects > select a subject e.g. Social sciences and drill down to the specific subject



Directory of Open Access Journals

  Updates from Journals

You can sign up for email alerts or RSS from journals. Check the journal website to see if these services are available. 

RSS Feeds (Journal of Political Economy)

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